A Beautiful Rural Area
The Town of Preble is located in the beautiful rural area of Central New York State. Hills rise to the east and west of the fertile valley land. Lakes left by the glaciers are tucked in several areas, as is the noted Preble Swamp, the start of the west branch of the Tioughnioga River. Mt. Toppin is the highest point of elevation and borders the town to the west.

The Preble Fire Department
The Town of Preble owns 6 fire trucks, 2 buildings, and a boat for water rescue. The Department handles approximately 130 calls in a calendar year with 55 percent being EMS medical calls. The rest are a mixture of calls ranging from fires, motor vehicle accidents, alarms, mutual aid, wires/trees down and more.
Chief: Ryne Austin
1st Assistant Chief: Nick Casterline
2nd Assistant Chief: John Casterline
3rd Assistant Chief: Bob Pitman
President: Jeff Griswold
Secretary: Heather Griswold
Treasurer: Nancy Dalley
Assistant Treasurer: David Smith
Amy Bertini, Chairwoman
Kim Buttino, Michael Redenback, Pete Thorman, Melanie Valardi
The Department is always looking for new members, as the need for volunteers is constant. The initial training takes several hours and is very taxing to the body. The result is the ability to help your family, friends and neighbors in times of need. Anyone wishing to inquire about membership may contact any firefighter, speak to a department officer or come to the Fire Station and introduce himself or herself any Monday night at 7pm.
The Department appreciates the generous support of the community during their fundraisers.
The Preble Fire Department thanks the community for their support.

The First Settlers
Preble consists of 28 tracts of land which were given to soldiers of the Revolution in lieu of money for service during the war. James Cravith came by foot from Pompey in 1795. He stood on East Hill and saw swampy and dense forest land below in the valley. Cravith didn't like what he saw and went back to Pompey Hill. However, the next year he returned and built the first home (a log cabin) on East Hill.
In 1796 John Gill came over the hill from Scott and settled on West Hill. The first town meeting was held in his home when the town organized. From 1800 the area became populated with people from the Hudson Valley. Land was cleared and farming became the main occupation. Preble Corners, Baltimore, Preble Center, Slab City, Dutch Street, Bennett Hollow are areas of the town where groups of people settled. Preble was originally a part of Tully in Onondaga County.
On April 8, 1808, it separated from Tully and became the northern border of newly formed Cortland County. The population of Preble in 1825 was 1327. The town was named for Commodore Edward Preble, a gallant naval hero of The Barbary Wars.
Building Schools
Education was very important to our early townspeople. As soon as a small settlement was established, a school was soon built. The eastern part of town was more heavily populated at first and the earliest school was built in 1801 on East Hill. A total of eleven districts were operating in many areas of the town.
Preble Town HallAs the town grew, a larger more modern building was erected on Preble Road. Several smaller schools closed and the pupils went to the bigger village school until it closed in 1906. A new school was then built in the center of town. This later centralized with the Homer School District and operated until 1954. Today it houses the post office and town offices. It continues to be painted red and is a gathering place and pictoral part of the town.
Post Office
The closest post office for our early pioneers was situated at Pompey. The first post office was opened in Baltimore in 1812. Preble Corners became more prosperous and in 1832 the post office was moved there. As the town grew, it was located in various homes and stores in the village. For the past several years it continues to service townspeople in the Town Hall on Preble Road.
The Boulder
A World War Memorial was erected on Memorial Day, May 30, 1937, in memory of Mark J. McCauliffe and to the men of Preble who served in World War I. For many years, the people in town had sought some kind of memorial. The Preble Firemen re-awakened the interest and members of the Town Board, led by Supervisor Elmer J. Anderson, began the labor of creating a memorial. It was a huge boulder moved from West Hill, a distance of more than a mile. A bronze plaque was attached with the names of the Preble war veterans.
Glen VanPatten, head of the town veterans and members of the Burns-McCauliffe Post in Homer arranged the ceremony. The parade formed in front of the Preble school and moved to the cemetery for ceremonies honoring the dead. Then it returned to the boulder where the dedication took place. Following World War II, a similar plaque was attached with the names of the veterans from that war. Glen VanPatten was a veteran of both wars and his name appears on both plaques.
In May, 1983, a tree was planted in honor to those town veterans who served in the Korean War and Vietnam. A custom that started with the first observance honoring veterans continues today... all children and parade participants are treated to ice cream at the end of the parade.
An Agricultural Community
Preble has always been famous for its rich soil and dairy farming. The first Holstein cows in Cortland County were introduced by Millard Nye, a noted Preble farmer. The first cabbage seeds were brought by Perry Haynes in 1885 and Preble soon became the largest cabbage growing area in Central New York.
The first Preble Milk Producers Inc., was organized in 1924. In February, 1940 the Preble Milk Co-Operative was formed. A milk plant was built and milk was brought by cans by the producers until 1969. At that time, it was converted to bulk pick up at the farms. Today it continues to operate as a very successful business serving our area farmers.
Preble NY Today
Preble has now entered into the next century. We have grown and changed. No doubt about it. Interstate 81 now zooms through the valley. We have a growing population around our lakes. Preble Park offers us recreation as does Song Mountain. Many of our people commute to jobs in other towns and cities. Some have relocated to other areas, but new families move here and we all care deeply about our great town.
Historic Timeline
1804 — Preble Congregational Church UICC
1812 — Preble's first Post Office located in Little Baltimore
1865 — Preble Hotel was built
1868 — Elmwood Cemetery was organized
1885 — Perry Haynes planted the first acre of cabbage in Preble. This was also the first acre of cabbage planted in Cortland County.
1927 — The Boulder was dedicated on Memorial Day for World War I veterans. At the end of World War II a plaque was added to honor those veterans. Glen Van Patten's name is on both plaques.
1928 — Preble Fire District leased land to house fire equipment
1930 — Preble Fire Department was formed
1940 — Preble Milk Cooperative was organized.
1954 — Preble Fire Department Auxiliary was formed with 38 active members.
1983 — Present Charlie Randall Barber Shop opened.
Preble Park
** Please remember the PARK is GARBAGE IN and GARBAGE OUT--- if you bring something in with you PLEASE take it out with you.
** RESERVATIONS FOR THE 2021 Season will be accepted on and after JANUARY 1, 2021. The sooner you send them on January 1, the quicker the response and better chance for securing that date.
*Please note Speed Limits Signs, Areas where Vehicles are permitted, and CHILDREN at play. The safety of everyone is our priority. Also the ground is soft in places, please be considerate of this in your activities.***
For more information contact the Town Supervisor James Doring, 607-749-3199 or email rec@preble-ny.org
If anyone wishes to use the town park Pavilion, Softball Field or Baseball Field, please fill out the "reservation request form". (Reservations are not complete until you are contacted by phone, email or both and your required deposit is paid.) Please note there are some changes made regarding the deposits and forms. The reservation representative will contact via email and a phone call for confirmation. Your request is placed on calendar to show date is being reserved. Questions please call James Doring.
Reservation Request Form
Dwyer Memorial Park
Little York Lake Road
Phone: 607-753-9377
Hiking Trails, Wading Pool, Boat Launching, Ball Diamonds, Play Ground, Pavilions to rent
Owned by Cortland County
Home of the Cortland Repertory Theatre(CRT)
Heiberg Memorial Forest
The SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry outdoor classroom and experimental station is open to the public for hiking, biking, skiing, snowshoeing, and fishing. There are over 20 miles of trails (unplowed roads, fire lanes and unmarked trails) and 3 ponds.
Annual Christmas Tree Sale: Every year, cut-your-own trees are available at Heiberg Forest from after Thanksgiving until just before Christmas. Species include Douglas fir and balsam fir. Bring a non-mechanized saw—chain saws not permitted—or borrow a saw from the Heiberg staff (deposit required). $25 per tree (any species, any size). See Christmas Tree information.
Directions: I-81, Exit 14. Turn east onto NYS Route 80. Proceed into the village of Tully, through traffic signal and turn right at the first street (Railroad Avenue). Continue to stop sign, turn left and then right to cross the railroad tracks on Grove Street. Proceed south for approximately 1.8 miles to Maple Ridge Road, the forest entrance. The forest office and classrooms are located 1.25 miles south on Maple Ridge Road. Parking areas are located on Maple Ridge Rd. at trailheads. See map.
For more information, call the Forest Properties Office at 470-6893.
New York State Boat Launching Site
Friendly Shore Road, Tully Lake
Public boat launching for hand-held boats only. This is the only public boat launch on Tully Lake and premises are owned by the State of New York. Open for ice fishing in winter months - premises are plowed.
From the south: I -81, Exit 13. Turn right onto NYS Route 281. Turn left onto Song Lake Crossing Rd (approx. 1 1/2 miles). Take 1st right onto Saulsbury Rd (1/2 mile). Take 1st left onto Friendly Shore (.2 mile).
From the north: I-81, Exit 14. Turn left at end of ramp, and turn left again onto Rt. 80. Turn right onto NYS Route 281 and go 2 miles; turn right onto Saulsbury Rd (1/2 mile). Take 1st left onto Friendly Shore (.2 mile).
Route 281, Preble, New York 13141
Basketball Courts, Ball Diamonds, Playgrounds, Pavilion
Sponsors: We currently do not have teams. If you have a child interested please contact Homer or Tully Recreation. Questions please contact Renee Compton.
Girls Softball, 7 - 11 Years and 12 - 18 Years
Boys Baseball, 7- 12 years and 13 - 19 Years
For more information contact Recreation Committee Chairman Renee Compton, 607-423-3991 or email @ prebleparkyouthprogram@gmail.com
2020 Preble Park Youth Program
Dear Parents, Friends, and Neighbors,
As I sit here watching and listening to Spring bloom all around it is disheartening to write such a melancholy letter about our beautiful park and all the wonderful events that occur there throughout the Spring, summer and fall. Unfortunately, the news from the Preble Recreation Department is not what we all are hoping for at this time.
It is at this time and until otherwise announced that all events scheduled at the Preble Park are CANCELED. This was a collaborative decision based on the guidelines set forth by the CDC, State of New York, and Local Health Department. When restrictions are lifted by the Governor and affiliates that the health and safety of all individuals is deemed in such a setting is in the best interest of all, notification will be provided. Until such time there will be NO EVENTS and ACTIVITES at PREBLE PARK. Please note that Governor Como has Recreation listed in Stage Four.
The Pavilion and Bathrooms will be closed during this time. There will be no access to these.
If you have made reservations to rent the pavilion and you have not been contacted, please contact Renee Compton, as she facilitates the reservations. The Recreation Department strives to work with each family and organization should something change prior to your reservation.
Additionally, the Preble Park Youth Program is also not going to be in session this summer. We are saddened by this as well. However, PPYP is going to upload some craft ideas periodically to the web page so that you can still be artists and create at home. Please contact the director should you have questions.
The Annual Preble Garage Sales will not be held either as Governor Como has also stated that these are not to be held during the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Preble Recreation Department wishes you each a safe and healthy season.
Renee Compton
Preble Park Youth Program
6929 Otisco Valley Road
Preble, NY 13141
(607) 423-3991
Preble Park Youth Program is looking forward to having your child(ren) and family be a part of this when we can join together again!!
The Preble Park Youth Program
Renee Compton - Director of PPYP
Preble Birth and Death Records
The Town of Preble is in the process of uploading its birth and death records to be available here. There will be an opportunity for the community to contribute genealogical data from their own family tree research.
Elmwood Cemetery
The Elmwood Cemetery web site includes links to cemetery records as well as information on rules, regulations and fees. The web site also has links to the history of Preble and genealogy.
Local History and Genealogy, Onondaga County Public Library
The Onondaga County Public Library's Local History and Genealogy Department is a respected research center with extensive collections on genealogy and local and state history. They specialize in the history of Syracuse, Onondaga County, New York State, the New England States, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. Librarians and materials are available to help answer a wide range of information needs from family history and genealogy to in-depth research on people, places and events in the Syracuse area.
A wealth of data is available in their One of a Kind Databases, as well as access to Local History and Genealogy Databases such as HeritageQuest Online and Ancestry Library. Some of these databases are available online from home, while others must be used at the library (some at downtown Syracuse NY, with others available at local branches).
You must have a valid Onondaga County Public Library (OCPL) card to access these materials. Nonresident OCPL cards may be obtained at the Service Desk on the Lobby Level at 447 S. Salina St., Syracuse NY.
More information is available by calling the library at 315-435-1900 or visiting www.onlib.org.
Cortland County Historical Society
The Cortland County Historical Society has a wealth of information about local history and genealogy.
25 Homer Avenue, Cortland, NY
Phone: (607) 756-7501
Web: cortlandhistory.com
They are open for geneaology research Tuesdays through Saturdays from 1 - 5 pm, and there are people to assist with research. For non-members, there is an $8.00 fee for the first hour and $5.00 for every hour after. There is no cost for research if a member. There is a copy fee of 25 cents per page. The link "Research" will bring you to the Kellogg Memorial Research Library for additional information on the records they maintain.
Membership fees are $20 per year for senior citizens 65 and over; $30.00 for an individual; and $40.00 for a family.
The Cortland County Genealogical Society meets at the Cortland Historical Society every third Tuesday at 7 pm except for December, July and August. There is a $10.00 membership fee per year and additional information can be obtained by calling the Historical Society.
Dial-A-Ride Service
Cortland Transit, Inc. in Cortland provides a county-wide Dial-a-Ride Service. Residents wishing to access the service must contact the dispatch office 24 hours in advance to ride. Same day requests will be honored on an available basis and a surcharge will be assessed. Dial-A-Ride is a door-to-door service that operates within Cortland County. Call 607-758-9471 to make a reservation.
Dial-A-Ride Fares: Minimum Fare $3.00, Maximun Fare $6.00 *Does not include same day service surcharge. A 50% surcharge for same day service.
DON'T BE LATE! It is important to be on time for Cortland Transit Services. Drivers may not wait for more than three minutes for any rider. Therefore, if you delay for more than 3 minutes the driver is instructed to continue on his/her route so that other riders will not have to wait.
TO CANCEL A RIDE: If you are unable to take your trip please call 758-3383 and cancel your ride.
Taxi Services (Cortland)
- Cortland Taxi & Silver Star Taxi, 110 Owego Street, Cortland (607) 756-5460
- Executive Limousine and Sedan, 3731 Luker Road #A, Cortland (607) 753-9180 www.elslimo.com
- Express Taxi, 3803 Luker Road, Cortland (607) 758-5478
- Jay's Taxi, 28 Pine Street, Cortland (607) 756-5152
- L & M City Taxi, 4363 US Rt. 11, Cortland (607) 753-1133
- Superior Limousine, 991 Tompkins Street, Cortland (800-895-7567 or (607) 758-3333
- Vestal Taxi, 39 Port Watson Street and 3951 US Rt. 11, Cortland (607) 753-1200
All activities for March and April 2025 will be held at the fire station:
March 5 @ noon - potluck luncheon; program by CAPCO
March 15 @ 6:00 p.m. - games
March 19 @ 6:00 p.m. - potluck dinner; program by Mark Helms, Sheriff of Cortland County
March 26 @ 1:00 p.m. - crafts
April 2 @ noon - potluck luncheon; finance program - Mary Robillard of Tompkins County Bank
April 12 @ 6:00 p.m. - games
April 16 @ 6:00 p.m. - potluck dinner; antiques program by Lee Benson
April 23 @ 1:00 p.m. - painting
Call Dave Morse at 315-663-1654 or Betty Ann Pitman at 607-749-3519 if you have any questions.
There is an annual fee of $5.00 to join.