The Code Official assists in following the NYS building codes to ensure the Health, Safety and Resilience of the Built Environment for all residents of Preble.
Rick Fritz - Code Official and Zoning Officer
Phone: 607-591-9898
Preble Code Official is available at the Town Hall on Mondays from 1-3 pm to help with applications. Building permits, certificates of occupancy, zoning information are among the services available from the Code office.
The Building Process: If you are planning to build to build in the Town of Preble you'll first need to get approval from the Cortland Count Health Department. Once have approval from the Health Dept:
- Download a Building Premit Application and follow the instructions.
- Bring your completed application to Town Clerk/Code Official with copy of survey/tax map showing the parcel....
- Bring a drawing of what will be built. A professionally rendered set of drawings may be needed for the project.
- Once approved, (you'll be notified by code official) then come to Preble Town Hall and submit it to the Preble Code Official. At that point, the cost of the permit will be determined and you will pay for the permit in person.
- Start building!
Preble follows all NYS Buiding Standards and Codes.

The Preble Town Board meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7 pm in the Town Hall, 1968 Preble Road.
Supervisor: James Doring
Deputy Supervisor: Jim Harris
Town Board:
- Dave Morse
- David Pitman
- Mike Griep
Local Laws Pertiaining to the Town Board
- Local Law 1
- Local Law 1 Appendix
- Local Law 1 Letter to Agencies
- Full Environmental Assessment Form for 2014 Local Law 1 on zoning change
- Environmental Assessment Form Schedule 1 for 2014 Local Law 1 on zoning change
The Preble Planning Board meets the 4th Wednesday of each month at 7 pm at the Preble Town Hall, 1968 Preble Road.
Agenda for March 26, 2025 meeting:
1. Subdivision - Dennis Tuttle estate; 6251 East Homer Baltimore Road.
2. Subdivision conference - Brad Cates and Rick Quinn - Otisco Valley Road.
3. Further review of draft zoning ordinance.
The updated Town of Preble Comprehensive Plan was approved and adopted on March 11, 2024 by the Preble Town Board. See Government/Laws/Ordinances
Planning Board:
Chair: Maureen Knapp
Peter McClure
Amy Bertini
Jim Jecen
Linda Bocian
Donald Armstrong, Attorney
Secretary: Sue Wright
The Preble Zoning Board of Appeals meets the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Preble Town Hall, 1968 Preble Road.
January 2, 2025 - cancelled
February 6, 2025 - cancelled
The March 6, 2025, regular monthly meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is cancelled due to the lack of an agenda.
- Local Law 1
- Local Law 1 Appendix
- Local Law 1 Letter to Agencies
- Full Environmental Assessment Form for 2014 Local Law 1 on zoning change
- Environmental Assessment Form Schedule 1 for 2014 Local Law 1 on zoning change
Zoning Board of Appeals:
- Daniel O'Shea, Chairman
- Donald Armstrong, Attorney
- Sue Wright, Secretary
- Amy Bertini
- Jay Currie
- Nancy Dalley
- Dean Hartnett
Highway Superintendent: Jeffrey Griswold
Equipment Operator: Charlie Reagan
Equipment Operator: Kevin Baldwin
Plus one seasonal employee each summer
The Town of Preble maintains 25.4 centerline miles of roads. Sixteen miles of the 25.4 are plowed, making up 34 plowing segments. We also plow school bus pull-offs, turnarounds, the Fire Station and the Town Hall. The average route time is 2 hrs. 45 minutes.
Summer duties include: culvert replacement/ installation, ditch cleaning, road material hauling and placement (gravel, pavement), oil and stone treatments, cutting brush, mowing roadsides along with maintaining 5 abandoned cemeteries. We also provide the resources for the annual “Town Clean-Up”.
The Highway operation moved into a new building in January of 2018 at 6684 Rt. 281 next to the salt shed. All
equipment is now stored indoors. All 6 bays have in-floor hydronic heating with propane boilers. The building was paid for with money saved and a State grant from Senator Jim Seward.
Please feel free to call the highway garage at 607-749-2710 with any questions.