Town Hall: (607) 749-3199
Town Justice: (607) 749-2377

Keyhole Development

Whether it's called keyhole, funnel, portal or corridor-development, the concept is the same. When the purchase of real estate that is 'not' located on a lake or river, provides ongoing deeded use of a separate parcel that 'is' on the waterfront, people can be funneled through the waterfront parcel (or keyhole), using it as a corridor.

Such a real estate extends all normal privileges of ownership to the keyhole, including but not limited to use by those leasing the primary residence, visitors enjoying a short-term vacation rental* and owner-tenants. All have authority to utilize the waterfront lot. Keyhole rights follows the residential home deed; transferring authority to use the remote lot in perpetuity.

File Name: law-keyhole.pdf
File Type: application/pdf
Created Date: 11-04-2018
Last Updated Date: 09-07-2024

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