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Town Hall: (607) 749-3199
Town Justice: (607) 749-2377

Greetings All,

As everybody knows, the world has changed in a significant way since our last newsletter. During these unprecedented times that we’ve been living through, of global lockdown, we can feel helpless as individuals.

There are several things that we as individuals can do to improve and to help safeguard our own personal situation. I will mention two actions that can be taken. One is to maintain a strong immune system. Health experts have recommended various vitamins and minerals as dietary supplements to strengthen the body’s natural immune system.  The second action that an individual can take is to grow a vegetable garden. New gardens started this year are sometimes called pandemic gardens. This phrase is a take-off from the old victory gardens. We have an in-depth discussion in this article.

The Preble Town Board is still conducting monthly board meetings while maintaining social distancing and wearing masks as municipalities are deemed essential services. Board meeting audio and video files are posted on www.preble-ny.org.

Regretfully, due to the current crisis, the Preble Memorial Day Parade will be cancelled this year.

It is believed in some professional circles, that the economic fallout will be significantly greater than the damage of the virus itself. The circulation of money has slowed down drastically.  Governor Cuomo has recently reported a 61 billion-dollar state deficit. The state is in dire economic crisis. Cortland County’s financial state is also dire. The Town of Preble has always had a history of financial responsibility. The Town of Preble is debt free. The town owns all of its buildings, trucks and equipment free of any encumbrances. However, the town is greatly dependent upon sales tax revenues and various state funding programs. We are anticipating these revenue shocks in the near-future, therefore we are already considering reductions in our 2021 budget to reflect these realities.

Please enjoy the summer even though it will be very different from any other summer that we’ve experienced. Should anyone have any questions or comments, I can be reached at 607-749-5315 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

At Your Service,

Jim Doring

Preble Town Supervisor

Photos From "Preble Today" Photographers