Town Hall: (607) 749-3199
Town Justice: (607) 749-2377
Monday, February 10, 2025

Legal Notice

 Town of Preble

 Seasonal Limited Use Highway

Chapter 489 of the Laws of 1975 added a new section, S205-A, to the Highway Law. The new section authorizes the Town Highway Superintendents to designate any Highway without occupied residents or commercial buildings dependent upon the road for access, as a “seasonal limited use highway”. Upon such designation the roads must be appropriately so posted. Snow and ice removal and maintenance may be temporarily discontinued from December 1st until April 1st upon any such highway. The text of the new provision follows: S205-A Seasonal Limited Use Highway.

  1. The Town Highway Superintendent is authorized to designate a Town Highway as a seasonal limited use highway.

2.   Seasonal limited use highways shall be those Town Highways without occupied    residences or commercial buildings dependent upon such highways for access.

3.   Seasonal limited use highways shall be appropriately posted.

  1. The Town is authorized to temporarily discontinue snow and ice removal and maintenance from the first day of December until the first day of April on any highway so designated.

I, Jeffrey Griswold, Town of Preble Highway Superintendent, do hereby designate the following Town Roads as seasonal limited use Highways: Campbell Road, Cemetery Road, Dawson Road, East Hill Road, East of turn around to Dawson Road, Foley Road, Maycumber Road, Preble Hill Road, Hill on Wright Road, Maple Ridge Road from Seasonal Sign to the Town Line and Vormwald Road (300 yards from Rt. 11).

Jeffrey Griswold, Highway Superintendent

Jennifer George, Town Clerk

Dated: November 14th, 2024


Legal Notice

Town of Preble


Ordinance prohibiting parking on all Town Roads during the period of November 1st to April 1st each year

Be it ordained that in order to facilitate the removal of snow and ice from the Town Roads, there shall be no parking of any vehicles on any Town Highway during the period of November 1st to April 1st of each year.

The owner of any vehicle parked in violation of the ordinance shall be guilty of a violation and subject to a fine of $ 25.00 for the first offense and $ 50.00 for a second or subsequent violation.

In addition to the forgoing, any vehicle found to be parked on a Town Highway in violation of this ordinance may be removed by the Town Superintendent of Highways and the cost of said removal shall be paid by the owner of the vehicle.

By Order of the Town Board,

Jeffrey Griswold, Highway Superintendent

Jennifer George, Town Clerk

Dated: November 14th, 2024





The Town recognizes that it would be beneficial for the Town to control and regulate the transient or short-term (less than thirty [30] days) renting or leasing of residential properties within the Town of Preble, as well as to eventually prohibit said use in the R1L zoning districts of the town read more... =>


Positions Available

  • Part time Landscaper for front of town hall building
  • Co-Editor for the Preble Today semi-annual newsletter
  • Director for the summer youth program

If interested, please call Jim at 607-749-5315


Notice: The  updated
Town of Preble Comprehensive Plan
was approved and adopted on March 11, 2024 by the Preble Town Board.    



Upcoming Town Meetings

10 Feb 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Town Board Meeting
26 Feb 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Planning Board Meeting
10 Mar 2025;
07:00PM - 09:00PM
Town Board Meeting

Town of Preble Government

Preble Town Hall, Preble NY

Preble Town Hall Hours:
Wednesdays 5pm-9pm
Thursdays 8am-1pm

PO Box 234
1968 Preble Road, Preble NY 13141

Town Hall (607) 749-3199 
Town Justice (607) 749-2377

(607) 749-2190 

Town Clerk:
Town Justice:

In 1906 a new school built in the center of town. This later centralized with the Homer School District and operated until 1954. Today it houses the post office and town offices. It continues to be painted red and is a gathering place and pictoral part of the town.
The Town of Preble maintains 25.4 centerline miles of roads. Sixteen miles of the 25.4 are plowed, making up 34 plowing segments. We also plow school bus pull-offs, turnarounds, the Fire Station and the Town Hall. The average route time is 2 hrs. 45 minutes.
In an emergency call: 911 The Preble Fire Department is also accessible via a 911 call.
Backyard trash burning is illegal and is a major uncontrolled source of dioxin in the United States: per pound of household trash burned, barrels emit hundreds of times more dioxin than a garbage incinerator.
Code Official W. Rick Fritz is available at the Town Hall on Mondays from 2-4pm to help with applications. Building permits, certificates of occupancy, zoning information are among the services available from the Code office. The Code Official can also be reached at (607) 591-9898.
The Court Clerk hours are Tuesdays from 8am - 12pm. Court is in session on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 pm. If you have any questions, please feel free to email>